Simeoni Tecnogreen equipment for nursery
Simeoni Tecnogreen takes the most of the long direct experiences with the Simeoni Pericle Kiwiplants to produce innovated equipment for nursery and strongly useful to the nursery sector and for the cultivation of plants in general.
Nurseries, floriculture, horticulture, protected cultivation, young seedlings, public parks and gardens, landscaping, maintenance… wherever a positive and innovative relationship with nature gets cultivated, Simeoni Tecnogreen is there, with its innovative, ecologic, effective, profitable and completely original ideas.
From the initial design, through to the patent, from engineering to production, stems a range characterised by 100% Made in Italy design, quality and technology, to satisfy a world of requirements: with the experience and enthusiasm of those that have been working directly in this field for decades.
From professional intuitions, ecologic, practical and speedy solutions resulting in greater savings.

Precision and dosage, Speed and Saving, Lightness and Comfort, Quality and Ecology, in this brief, our innovative proposal for granular localized distribution